Batu asah semulajadi dari BATU GUNUNG terpilih berukuran 20x5x3cm.
Our special sharpening stone is come from nature stone in the mountain. The stone dimension is 15x5x3cm
Specifikasi Batu Asah adalah berdasarkan berapa halus texture batu tersebut. Lagi tinggi “Grit” batu tersebut bermaksud lagi halus texture batu asah.
The sharpening stone specification is based on the texture of the stone surface. This texture specification is called “Grit”. The higher the grit value, more fine the stone surface.
Batu asah super halus, kualiti sgt bagus, permukaan lembut, kukuh dan sesuai utk mengasah finishing pisau, golok sembelih, parang, pahat dan sebagainya.
Our high quality natural sharpening stone is very suitable to sharpen knife, parang and other utensils.
Batu asah kami ada 4 level grit yg ada seperti berikut:
Our stone has 4 grit level aa follows:
Bagaimana mengunakan nya?
How to use it?
1)Pastikan mata pisau yg sudah berada dlm keadaan separa tajam sebelum mengasah dgn batu asah grit tinggi (6000). Jika masih tumpul, asah dulu guna batu asah grit kasar (grit 1000). Utk asahan terbaik, asah guna batu grit 1000 dahulu, di ikuti baru grit 3000, kemudian grit 6000
1)Make sure the knife is not Pre-sharpen the knife first before sharpen using high grit stone (grit 6000). If the knife is blunt, pre-sharpen it using lower grit stone (grit 1000). For the best result, sharpen the knife using stone with grit 1000 first, then grit 3000, and 6000. Follow the grit sequence.
2)Untuk menggunakan batu asah, rendam batu asah selama 15minit sehingga semua bahagian rongga2 batu basah.
2)Before using the stone, submerge the stone in water about 15 minutes until all stone pores wetted.
3)Asah pisau secara merata dgn sudut mata pisau dan batu asah pd sudut; 30 darjah utk golok heavy duty, 25 darjah utk golok buru/outdoor, 20 darjah utk pisau dapur.
3)Sharpen the knife with suitable angle to the stone. Angle 30 degree is for heavy duty parang/machete, 25 degree for hunting or outdoor knife, 20 degree angle for chef/kitchen knife.
4)Setelah siap digunakan, bersihkan batu asah dan simpan di tempat selamat.
4)After used, clean the stone and store it at safe place.
Happy sharpening guys
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